Why should I choose Compassionate Endings NJ to care for me?
Compassionate Endings NJ is the only medical practice in New Jersey specifically devoted to Medical Aid in Dying. We are with you throughout your journey at the end of life. We attend to all our patients personally from the day we meet, up to the day they take the aid in dying medications. We have the medical expertise to handle complications, help family and loved ones with the grief process, explain the phases of dying, and reassure the family that their loved one is free from suffering. It is that personalized attention that sets us apart from the rest. If you have difficulty swallowing, we can provide other options for self ingestion of the medication.
Do you accept insurance?
No. We are a fee-for-service practice. Insurance typically does not cover MAiD or the medication for MAiD. Federally funded insurance plans (Medicare & Medicaid) do not cover MAiD.
Will participating in MAiD affect my life insurance policy?
No. You will be entitled to your full benefits. The cause of death on the death certificate will be the terminal illness such as colon cancer, ALS, or end-stage heart failure.
Once I obtain the medication, am I required to take it?
No. You are not required to take the medication. You have the absolute right to determine when and IF you are going to take the medications that will assist in dying. We highly recommend waiting to fill the prescription until you are close to being ready to take it.
How much medicine do I have to drink?
3 ounces of fluid in less than 2 minutes.
Are there any special requirements for storing medication until I am ready to take it?
We recommend storing the medication in a cool, dry place. Given the nature and dosage of the medication, we strongly recommend that it be stored far away from children and pets, in a locked box to ensure safety.
Can my family doctor be the second consulting physician?
Absolutely. However, it is recommended that you make sure that your family doctor is willing to consult. Physicians are NOT required to participate in MAiD.
Can I still use MAID if I have difficulty swallowing or problems with digestion?
Yes. We will offer other options to you so that you can still participate.
Do I have to be a New Jersey Resident?
Yes. The law requires that we obtain some form of identification that proves you are a current New Jersey resident. There is no minimum duration of residency required. Accepted forms of legal identification include: a NJ driver's license, voter registration card, or other government issued ID.
Do I have to take the aid in dying medication in NJ?
YES! It is illegal to consume this medication in a state where MAiD is not legal, and anyone attending the death could be subject to prosecution.
Is MAiD considered suicide?
NO. Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) allows the terminally ill person “death with dignity." Its purpose is to allow terminally ill patients the choice to end their suffering on their own terms.
This is not about life OR death, it is about having control over the time and manner of death.
What are the areas of NJ that you service?
We serve most areas of New Jersey. However, if travel over 50 miles is required, then a mileage fee will apply.
What form is required to request MAiD and where can I find it?
In order for a patient to receive a prescription in accordance with the New Jersey End of Life Option Act, the patient must complete and sign the following form:
Request for Medication to End My Life in a Humane and Dignified Manner
Do you work with hospice?
Absolutely! We encourage all our patients to enroll in hospice, and we endeavor to work closely with the hospice team.
I have already seen a physician for MAiD and have my prescription. Can Compassionate Endings NJ attend to me on the day I choose to take the aid in dying medications?
Yes! We can be present with you and your loved ones on the day you choose to take the medications. Many families are unsure how to mix the medications, what to do if some or all of the medications are spilled, or what to do if any complications arise. We will attend to all of your needs on this very important day.
I have a prescribing physician. Can Compassionate Endings be my consulting physician?
Yes. If you already have an prescribing physician we will be happy to be the consulting doctor.
A Guide for Patients and Their Supporters
For more detailed information, please see "Medical Aid in Dying: A Guide for Patients and Their Supporters." (click the link to view booklet).