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Medical Aid in Dying NJ Law

The Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act (sometimes referred to as "MAID") is effective in New Jersey as of August 1, 2019.


American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying

The Academy educates clinicians about Medical Aid in Dying and also provides a Patient-to-Doctor Referral System.

Death With Dignity

From The Dignity Report. President and Co-Founder of Compassionate Endings New Jersey speaks on providing Medical Aid in Dying in a comforting environment. 


Death with Dignity

A national organization that promotes Death with Dignity laws.


New Jersey Spotlight News

Spotlight news interview with a Medical Aid in Dying advocate on who chooses MAiD and the importance of end of life discussions. President and co founder of Compassionate Endings NJ speaks on the difficulty for terminally ill patients being aware of The Medical Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act.


Somerset County Department of Human Services Newsletter

One family's experience on how they connected with Compassionate Endings NJ.


"Dying patients protest looming telehealth crackdown" | AP News

How using telehealth helped a CENJ patient, and the negative impact the new DEA ruling will have on the terminally ill being able to access MAiD for end of life care.​​​​​​


Medical Aid in Dying Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast

The Beyond The Balance Sheet Podcast invites President and Co-Founder of Compassionate Endings NJ to speak on MAiD and providing Death with Dignity.


Jewish Sacred Aging "Seekers of Meaning" Podcast 3/31/2023 has our President and Co-founder on their podcast to discuss the MAiD process in NJ

Informative discussion on Medical Aid in Dying. How Compassionate Endings NJ supports  patients with end of life decisions and what is required for one to qualify.


Jewish Sacred Aging "Seekers of Meaning" Podcast 3/8/2024 discussing Medical Assistance in Dying

A patient's husband describes their experience with Compassionate Endings NJ.


BBC interview on MAiD with the president and co-founder of Compassionate Endings NJ

A segment on the BBC regarding MAiD, comparing the US and Canadian models.



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